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Concours D’Epreuves de 1888, Cliche de Monsieur Vieuille Vieuille, M.  (French)

Today we offer our readers a specimen of ‘collographie’ offered by MM. Quinsac and G. Baquié from a photograph by Mr. Vieuille. It is a view taken on the Marnc and part of the collection which obtained the medal of silver in our Concours d’epreuves de 1888. [1]

This print appeared bound into the 1889 volume of Bulletin de la Société française de photographie. Information on the Quinsac and G. Baquié collotype process is scarce but it appears they adapted or improved Tessie du Motay and C. R. Marechal ‘s early collotype proccess – at least enough to win a silver medal in the 1888 SFP competition of ‘tests’.

The basic principle of the collotype process was invented by Alphonse-Louis Poitevin in 1855. In 1859 Joubert succeeded in printing an early version of a collotype that was included in the June 1860 issue of The Photographic Journal. In 1865 C. M. Tessie du Motay and C. R. Marechal demonstrated their modification of the collotype process using a copper plate as the substrate. In subsequent years a number of workers and researchers introduced different improvements and variants of the collotype process (artotype, heliotype, hydrotype, photogelatin, phototype, etc.). [2]


[1] p. 196

[2] Hanson, David Checklist of photomechanical processes and printing 1825-1910, 2017