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White-Rocks – Deadwood Unknown

Albertype", Albert-type", Albertotypie, Joseph Albert perfected the collotype with the process commonly known as the Albertype. The Photo-Plate Printing Company, of New York, and the Albert-type Printing Company, of Boston, were sole proprietors of his patent (in the US) , (The Photographic News 1875, vol .19, July 16. pgs. 340-41.). As early as 1871 he used the term "Lichtdruck" for line work leading a person to wonder if he had come to an accommodation with Ohm & Grossmann (Gemoser). "Lichtdruck became a generic term for collotype. It should be noted that Monckhoven published a method of collotype printing in 1870, opening up the ability for anyone to practice this method of printing without obtaining a license.

This sample is from a popular tourist view book of the Black Hills.


Hanson, David Checklist of photomechanical processes and printing 1825-1910, 2017 p.. 5