Fig. 89 Unknown

M. Garnier was kind enough to prepare, for Les Merveilles de la science, a copper plate in relief, made according to nature, and which we give as a sample of the results which this eminent man can obtain. It is not a question here of the simple reproduction of an engraving, but of the direct transformation into an engraving of the photographic view of a monument, taken in the darkroom. [1] The Garnier half-tone is one of very few published in the world prior to 1870: only von Egloffstein, Leggo and Carlman made any commercial attempts. Figuier discusses at length the Exposition of 1867 in this section of the work. [2]


[1] Les Merveilles de la science ou description populaire des inventions modernes 1869 p. 200
[2] Hanson, David Checklist of photomechanical processes and printing 1825-1910, 2017