Dr. Monro Hill, David Octavious  (Scottish, 1802-1870)Adamson, Robert  (Scottish, 1821-1848)

The portrait of Dr. Munro [Monro] … is simple and powerful to a high degree. Dr. Munro was the third of three generations who for one hundred and twenty-six consecutive years filled the chair of anatomy in the University of Edinburgh, and one could imagine, that in those days, when anesthetics were little known, he would amputate a limb without having his feelings specially harrowed by the sufferings of his patient. [1]

Reproduced / Exhibited

Rocha, Regina M, Paul Strand, and Helouise Costa. A Poética Fotográfica De Paul Strand. São Paulo, Brazil: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 2012. Fig. 1


[1] Abridged from Bibl. 27: J. Craig Annan. ‘David Octavius Hill, R.S.A. – 1802-1870’. Camera Work, no. 11 (July 1905), p. 17-21.